
Headaches - Whiplash - Spinal pain - Pelvic pain - TMJ (jaw) pain

Including but not limited to: 


We very often need to work with your nervous system  to lower general tension. Headaches can indicate that we are approaching life from a highly mental/analytical perspective. Thinking our way through our day rather than feeling.  We may also have patterns of tension held in the neck and skull and the small joints in the head, which can be released using craniosacral therapy 

Deep tissue massage may be used to release tension in the neck.

 It may be necessary to work on improving your breathing as if you breathing is not flowing all the way down into your pelvis, this creates a pressure dynamic of increased pressure in the head. TMJ /jaw tension can also contribute to head pain so trigger point release is often necessary both inside the mouth as well as outside. 

As you can see there are many reasons for headaches to happen and so your treatment will be individualized to you 


When there has been a sudden injury the nervous system goes into protection mode. So we need to work with your nervous system to help it to let down it's guard. In this way proper circulation will return to the area so that healing can commence. My approach to this type of injury is that treatment should be painless in this early stage while we work to settle your system. After your nervous system has relaxed then we can progress to gradually working into the tissues and joints to release tension held there. 

Gentle exercises that address your breathing, nervous system and extremely gentle spinal movements will support this process. 

Spinal pain (from lower to upper).

We need to figure out why your spine is under pressure. Is it stress, posture, lack of exercise? an old injury rearing it's head? Are your legs weak and therefore you are overusing your back muscles when you lift? 

Are you sitting all day and the front of your hips have gotten tight, therefore when you stand up there is an excessive arch in your back? There are so many reasons why people get back pain. Guided by a detailed examination I will use manual therapy to correct tension patterns in your body. I will help your nervous system relax (remember your nervous system controls your muscular system so if you have tight  muscles, you have a tight nervous system!). I will create for you a highly specific exercise programme drawing from physiotherapy, yoga, somatics or pilates, depending on your body's needs. 

Pelvic pain 

This includes pain in anus and genitals and pain related to sex. 

There are so many reasons why we can have pelvic pain: a fall on your backside (even if it was years ago), pregnancy or childbirth, menstruation, a history of trauma, endometriosis. The pelvic floor is directly linked with the sympathetic nervous system so it is also a place where we hold tension unconsciously when we are busy, stressed, anxious, working to a deadline. I find that very often we need to work at the level of the nervous system to help your body relax.  Stress related to topics of money and home, the foundations of life, can be held here. Manual therapy may be indicated, depending on your comfort levels. Gentle, specific yoga and somatic exercises can be really helpful to relax this area. 

Tmj / Jaw pain 

A whole body approach is often necessary, due to the connections throughout the body via the fascia. Helping your whole system relax and then doing focused muscle release particularly from the neck and shoulders up (including inside your mouth) will be necessary.  Working around the pelvis can also help to release the patterns that are causing the pain

Free Pain Masterclass

This free online masterclass is for anyone suffering with persistent pain and who would like to understand, in a broader and more holistic way, why their bodies are manifesting this pain. The current medical model tends towards a highly mechanistic view of pain ie the structures at the site of the pain are the only cause of the pain.

Thanks to the field of neuroscience, we now know this to be untrue. Yes local tissues can be involved but it’s also highly affected by our thoughts, belief systems, trauma, emotions, lymphatic system and more.

This 90 minute masterclass does not promise to take away your pain but the intention is to change your understanding of pain which has been scientifically shown to reduce pain. in this instance knowledge really is power.

Please share this with anyone you know who might benefit.