Neck/Back pain

We need to figure out why your spine is under pressure. Is it stress, posture, lack of exercise? An old injury rearing it's head? Are your legs weak or your core muscles weak and therefore you are overusing your back muscles when you lift?

Are you sitting all day and the front of your hips have gotten tight, therefore when you stand up there is an excessive arch in your back?  

The spine also represents support, if you are under supported in life, the spine can become rigid as a compensation.

There are so many reasons why people get back pain so you need a highly individualised approach that will take your physical and emotional patterns into account.

Guided by a detailed examination I will use manual therapy to correct tension patterns in your body. I will help your nervous system relax (remember your nervous system controls your muscular system so if you feel your muscles are generally tight, then it’s likely that your nervous system is in protection mode).

Depending on your goals and your patterns, I may create a home programme for you, drawing from yoga, pilates, somatics, nervous system science and meditation practices.